The production cicle: a philosophy
Each piece of furniture has details and finishes that can be seen and touched whereas the construction and assembly systems are generally not apparent. However, they are fundamental to the solidity and long-life of the furniture: we, at Salca, have always worked with respect toward the old and still valid methods of jointed construction, which guarantee the permanency in structure of our products: certainly a costly and refined choice, but not always easy to appreciate because these qualities are sometimes difficult to observe.
Production Stages
The entire production cycle takes place in our plant.
Only some inlaid works and carvings are partially entrusted to outside work.

A highly professional team design the complete series of our current and special products.

The laser-cut
The laser-cut working consent the high precision to the cut of the inlays.

Of particular importance are the jointing of veneering Rand the composition of curls and of briers.

The dried timber, once sectioned and planed, is ready for further working.

NC Work Centre
Modern technology: speed and precision.

The assembly of the elements composing the structure of the furniture takes place once the machinery work is finished.

After the assembly every piece of furniture is completed in each of its elements
Our high professionality enables to assist Customers’ special works with competitive times and with the quality of current production.

We have the greatest care for the finishing cycle which – from the initial aging to the final padding – consists in 6-9 phases according to the result required.
This procedure guarantees the transparency of varnishings and the smoothness of surfaces with a richness that can be seen and touched.
Our peculiarities
Our best qualitity is hand finishing. Probably Salca Asiago is the only brand that produces directly inside the inlays, bending, with flexibility and high quality.

Massive wood edges
With some exceptions, the edges are in massive wood. Exceptionally, we apply the edge veneering.

Double top
Thinking about what might be important to our Customers, we design the sideboards and the chest of drawers tables with a double top, one fixed and one detachable.

Materials used in production
SALCA makes use of these materials in the manifacture of its collections
Mahogany, beech, cherry, tulipier, spruce ( for veneers )
Multy – layer, fiber, veneers
Mahogany, mahogany flame, walnut, walnut flame, cherry, elm, mirtle and ash briars, tanganyika ( interiors )
The back of the display case are tint or with fabric nobile o rivestiti in tessuto
Front in multi-layer, bottom in multilayer covered by fabric, back in beech
Handles, knobs, hinges, and various articles, in cast brass
Kid and sheepskin with pure gold decoration
Fabrics as per set of samples
The marbles are naturals and gloss without varnish
Vinyl and urea resin glues
Formaldeide 0,2 – 0,4 ( as DIN 68705 part. 2 )
Water – tains, polyurethan primers and polyester
Primers ( shiny gloss ). For finishing :
polyurethan or Nitro – cellulose varnish and shellac, beeswax
With pad, aged with pad, gloss, shiny gloss, matt
or aged matt to 40 gloss, semi – gloss to 60 or 80 gloss or as per sample
Mahogany, beech, cherry, tulipier, spruce ( for veneers )
Multy – layer, fiber, veneers
Mahogany, mahogany flame, walnut, walnut flame, cherry, elm, mirtle and ash briars, tanganyika ( interiors )
The back of the display case are tint or with fabric nobile o rivestiti in tessuto
Front in multi-layer, bottom in multilayer covered by fabric, back in beech
Handles, knobs, hinges, and various articles, in cast brass
Kid and sheepskin with pure gold decoration
Fabrics as per set of samples
The marbles are naturals and gloss without varnish
Vinyl and urea resin glues
Formaldeide 0,2 – 0,4 ( as DIN 68705 part. 2 )
Water – tains, polyurethan primers and polyester
Primers ( shiny gloss ). For finishing :
polyurethan or Nitro – cellulose varnish and shellac, beeswax
With pad, aged with pad, gloss, shiny gloss, matt
or aged matt to 40 gloss, semi – gloss to 60 or 80 gloss or as per sample
The indication of wood ( exclusion of the chairs ) is about the veneer and not of the wood
In compliance with the law 10 April 1991 n. 126 “Rules for consumer information” and the decree of 8 February 1997 n. 101 “Implementing Regulation”.
If request, with a small contribution, we furnish a Kit of repair, for freshen up the furniture or to make up at thin scratches, marks or stains.
This Kit contains virgin bee-wax, cotton wool, steel wool, a walnut color felt-marker.

To rub-off thin scratches, marks or stains follow these steps :
Rub along the wood grains ( not in circle ) the area to be treated, gradually increasing pressure until the damage disappear in part or completely.
If the rubbing action is light, just remove the powder with cotton wool.
If scratches do not disappear, rub the entire suface energetically with steel wool and remove the powder
Rub in circle with a the whole area to be treated.
Immediatelly after wipe the surface taking care to use the dry side of the cotton wool until the former shine is restored.
The marker may be used for small retouching of the spots where the varnish has been accidentally removed. For best result wait 2 hours before retouching.
N.B.: for the day cleaning to use the wool or cotton cloth hardly moist.